Updated on March 9, 2023
With a few easy peasy steps you can remove all these poor-looking stains from the glass effectively. The best part is you don’t need to buy any special ammonia-possessed product for the market and can clean the glass with some items that are available at every home. I am going to mention here some of the top three procedures, which I myself experimented and found highly beneficial.
also, It is necessary that you learn these steps because while working in a kitchen you encounter several events when your glassware burns out with heat and get enormous scratches on it over time. Obviously, one couldn’t just dispose off such expensive glassware every time, so why not take out a few minutes and clean them up? Tag along and learn the most fruitful techniques with me.
How to Clean Scorched Glass
Method 1: Dishwasher, Vinegar, Baking soda
Obviously, you are following this method because your dishwasher didn’t work well in the first place and the stains of excessive heat are still there in the glass. But do you know that adding a little bit of baking soda and vinegar to this ordinary dishwasher will boost up each other’s effect? Well yes, you heard me right, they work great when team up together. So follow the steps below accurately to get astounding results.
- First of all, fill the glassware that has been scorched with warm water.
- Now add in it a tablespoon of the dishwasher, 3 tablespoons of vinegar, and a tablespoon of baking soda.
- You will see a sudden chemical reaction between these ingredients which we used to see in the chemistry lab, but this one isn’t dangerous at all.
- Let this mixture settle in the glassware for about 15 minutes at least.
- Now take a nylon scrubbing pad and start rubbing the scorched area with it.
- If you still see any stain on the glassware then you can use the sponge to remove the stain. But it’s not preferable because it creates scratches over the glass.
- The best part about this method is that it soaks up the oil as well.
- After scrubbing for five minutes you will start noticing that the clean surface below the brownish liquid.
- Now wash the glass with warm water and if you feel some smell then wash the glass with just a dishwasher again.
- Your glass is now all beautiful again.
Method 2: Cornstarch and Vinegar
- Mix the 1 tablespoon of cornstarch and 1 tablespoon of vinegar with each other to make the paste.
- Apply this paste over the scorched area of the glassware. If the quantity is less then you can add the same ratios to make more quantity of this paste.
- Now take a soft sponge or a nylon cloth and start rubbing the area gently.
- Make sure that you don’t rub too hard otherwise scratches will be formed over the glass which itself would look bad.
- Keep on rubbing the paste for about 5 minutes at least.
- Then wash the glassware with hot water and the results are going to astonish you for sure.
Method 3: Lemon and Baking soda
This method is my favorite one. You have to wait a little longer in this method until the lemon and baking soda do their work, but believe me, it is the most simple method and adds beauty to the glassware as well. So let’s find out what wonders it does to your scorched glass.
- First of all squeeze 4 to 5 lemons into glassware that needs to be scorched then add about 13 baking soda to it.
- Spread this semifluid paste all over the glassware and let it dry for like 15 minutes.
- Now take a soft sponge and wet it with water.
- Start scrubbing the soft sponge over the applied mixture.
- Once you have rubbed it, wash the glassware with mild hot water.
- You will see that the scorched area has become cleaned and cleared and along with it, the glass has a new shine due to the lemon juice.
Disadvantages of Using Hard Sponge and Steel Wool
As I mentioned above do not use a hard sponge or steel wool for any of these methods, you must be thinking why so? Well, the hard sponge surface is composed of rough material and when you scrub the glassware with it, it may cause scratches over the glassware. Once these scratches are formed there is no going back so it’s better you take care of how you wash your utensils. Moreover, this will make your glassware look older even if it’s the first time you have used them.
Eliminate Scratches
If you have used a hard sponge or due to any other reason some scratches are developed ver your new, just out-of-the-box glassware then don’t worry as I have a solution for that as well. We all have toothpaste in our homes, so it’s time that you bring that toothpaste from your bathroom to the kitchen.
Take about 1 teaspoon of toothpaste and apply it over the scratches. Leave it for at least half an hour and then wash your glassware with just water and remove the toothpaste. You will notice that minor scratches are disappeared and the intensity of some of them is also reduced. I am sorry to mention here that toothpaste or any other product can’t totally remove the scratches from the glassware.
- Always use the low flame or low heat temperature when you are using glassware for cooking.
- Never place your glassware near the stove otherwise scorching might happen with the heat.
- If you are not in hurry then wash the burnt or scorched glass as soon as possible.
- Dip the scorched glassware into the hot water as soon as you find the stain over them and don’t have much time to wash them
- Never use a hard sponge to clean the glass products as this will create several small scratches which will make your glassware look older.
- Try to use glass products for desserts and room temperature edibles, but if you want to use them for cooking then use them with ultimate care.
How do you clean a burnt pan with Coke?
Drain the whole coke bottle into the burnt pan and let it settle there for about 10 minutes. After 10 minutes drain away the coke in the basin and put the dishwasher on the residues and scrub them. You will see that the burnt residues will fall off quite effortlessly.
Does ketchup remove burnt pan?
Ketchup has acetic acid in it. When you put it in a burnt pan this reacts and makes the remnants soft. When you apply the dishwasher and scrub it with the sponge, everything from that burnt pan will be removed.
How do you clean a burnt pan without vinegar?
If you don’t have vinegar then you can use salt or lemon juice to clean the burnt pan. Sprinkle salt on the burnt remnants and let it be there overnight or squeeze the lemon juice over the residues and leave it overnight. The next day when you wash the pan, you will see its shiny surface through the burnt.
I hope you understood the lowdown provided in this article and will find them useful as well. These methods work wonders and this will never let go of your effort in vain. Moreover, never use a hard sponge over the glassware otherwise scorch will be removed but scratches will be left forever. Also, if you are not in a hurry then it would be better to leave the glassware with the solution overnight after using any of these methods and then scrub the solution the next day as this will be more effective.