Is Vanilla Pudding Gluten Free?

Updated on February 27, 2023

Is Vanilla Pudding Gluten Free?

Yes, vanilla pudding is gluten-free. Many brands now manufacture many gluten-free puddings by using cornstarch as their thickening agent. This helps to create a perfect texture and get the pudding together. One of the most known brands called Jello produces all gluten-free puddings. These puddings are pre-made and consist of a variety of ingredients. While talking about instant puddings, they basically consist of flavors and a mix of sugar and scratch along with the addition of some fancy ingredients for the final touches.


This is a naturally occurring substance and is produced by various plants. Gluten is basically a combination of certain proteins that are further utilized by grains in order to store resources. This substance is usually found in barley, oats, wheat, rye, etc. Hence they are primarily found in grains and foods other than grains are gluten-free like milk, rice, vegetables, meat, sugar, spices, and many other numerous food items. Moreover, puddings including cereals or wheat have the source of gluten in them.


It is believed that cornstarch is the source of gluten. However, it is made from corn and does not contain gluten. It is processed in such a way that everything from it is removed except for the starch. In simple words, cornstarch contains only starch and is also gluten-free. This is also used as a thickening agent in many puddings instead of gluten for making its texture thick and smooth like custard.

One of the indications of your pudding being gluten-free is its custard-like texture. Other types of puddings include bread pudding or cereal grain pudding like kheer containing gluten. Therefore, the simplest thing to do is to check the list of ingredients listed on the pack of pudding before purchasing it. In this case, you can enjoy all the varieties of puddings from jello as they are all gluten-free and can be safely used in your diet.

Gluten-free Vanilla Pudding Recipe

For making vanilla pudding, take 3 egg yolks and whisk them. After that combine these egg yolks with powdered sugar and cornstarch. Add salt according to the taste. Add milk to a pan and heat it on medium flame. After a few minutes, add 1/4 cup of the hot milk to the bowl of eggs and slowly whisk together all the ingredients. After mixing well, add the mixture of eggs to the pan of hot milk and cook until the mixture thickens.

Add vanilla extract and butter to the pudding and mix well. Turn off the flame and let the pudding set for a few minutes. The next step is to add the pudding into a small bowl or container and cover the top surface of the pudding with plastic wrap in order to give a smooth finish. You can serve the pudding in various ways like with fresh barriers, whipped cream, brownies, or cakes as well.


What kind of pudding is gluten-free?

Jello pudding products are gluten-free and are suitable for people with celiac disease. They are also available in a variety of flavors.

Do puddings have gluten?

Instant puddings are generally gluten-free. In these puddings, starch is used as a thickening agent that makes the texture smooth and custard-like due to which these puddings are safe for people suffering from celiac disease. Also, these are safe to consume for those who are on a gluten-free diet.

What are the side effects of going gluten-free?

Avoiding gluten-containing foods can cause many health problems including constipation, gas, diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, etc.


Vanilla pudding is gluten-free as it includes certain ingredients that are free of gluten. Furthermore, jello pudding products are all gluten-free and include ingredients such as starch for thickening the pudding and giving a nice thick custard-like texture. Furthermore, you can also make vanilla pudding at home with starch which is also gluten-free. These gluten-free puddings are suitable for people who are on a gluten-free diet or suffering from celiac disease.

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