What Should I Put Behind My Wood Stove

Updated on March 12, 2023

Wood-burning stoves heat the room by absorbing the heat from the fire and radiating it out through the stove’s metal body.

As a result, any neighbouring things must be kept at a safe distance, and combustible objects require more clearance than non-combustible objects.

Stone effect can be used to create a backdrop for a stove, or it can be used as a type of protection.

What should be behind a wood burning stove, which is often set against a wall?

Your local and/or national building codes should be followed when it comes to any materials installed behind a wood-burning stove. Behind a wood stove, brick and stone are common materials, while many stove models come with optional heat shields to help reduce clearances.

A brick wall is a terrific choice to put behind a wood stove for many reasons, and we’ll go over some of those reasons in more detail below, along with some suggestions for other materials that might work just as well.

Other techniques for protecting the wall behind a stove have also been proposed, such as purchasing stoves with optional heat shields and employing goods such as a fireback.

What Should I Put Behind My Wood Stove

Faux Panels, as the name suggests. Faux brick veneer panels are a common solution to protect the wall behind a wood stove while also creating a backdrop for your stove. It is usual to utilise stone or brick behind a wood-burning stove. A room’s focal point can be enhanced with the use of these panels.

Fireproof Wall Behind Wood Stove

When installing a wood stove, combustible materials may be used in the wall behind the stove in many instances.

Similar to how a hearth is needed to support the weight of the stove, the wall behind it should also be protected for safety reasons.

Drywall should be removed from the wall behind a stove since it is a combustible material.

Even if you use a stove guard to protect the wall, you should remove it from behind it because the shield might still get as hot on the back of it.

Wall protection ideas for wood stoves include:

  • Stone or brick
  • Tiles

What Do You Put on The Wall Behind a Wood Stove

When the wall behind a wood stove gets too hot, it can damage the wall or even burn it. This is a very typical problem. Heat-resistant materials like heat-resistant stones or wood stove heat shields can be cumbersome and unattractive when installed on the back wall of a home. Placing a cast iron fireback against the back wall as a wood stove heat screen is an age-old option that is simpler, more attractive, and also easier to remove.

Using a cast iron fireback as a heat screen for a wood stove is an extra benefit because cast iron conducts and radiates heat slowly. As a result, the stove’s heat output is boosted, but the back wall is protected. In terms of heat efficiency, thicker firebacks are better.

Wood Stove Benefits

In the last several months, wood-burning stoves have taken a beating in the media. In an effort to improve air quality, London Mayor Sadiq Khan has called for a ban on wood burners in metropolitan areas, notably in the city.

Mayor Sadiq Khan requested that the Clean Air Act be modified to allow for the development of zero-emission zones following London’s sixth air quality alert in thirteen months.

For a while, things looked bleak for our beloved stoves, but we’re here to set the record straight and show you why owning a wood burner is amazing and something to be proud of!

7 Reasons to Invest in A Quality Wood Stove

Modern wood burning stoves use a distinct set of design and technological principles than “stoves of old.” Wood stoves of the modern era not only provide wonderful heat, but they also look great in the home. These information about wood-burning stoves can help you make an informed decision about whether or not to purchase or upgrade a heating system in your house.

1. Placement flexibility

A wood stove can be placed almost anyplace in the house as long as a vent pipe can be extended to the outside. This means that you are able to heat specific areas of your home independently. A central heating system can be replaced almost entirely by a few strategically placed stoves.

2. Exceptional heating

The quality of heat produced by a wood-burning stove is the most important benefit for homeowners. Heating an area using radiant heat is more efficient and faster than heating it with warm air that is blown into the house. A wood stove’s intense heat radiates from the unit’s sides and top, providing comfort in all directions.

3. Better for the environment

Wood is far more environmentally benign than burning fossil fuels like natural gas, propane, coal, and so on. If burned, it doesn’t contribute any new CO2 to the atmosphere, which is known as “carbon-neutral.” This is because, in its normal form as a tree, wood absorbs CO2 from the air. The combustion process maintains a stable equilibrium.

4. Economical heating

Wood is a low-cost energy source. In terms of BTU cost, it is less expensive than oil, natural gas, or electrical power. It is possible for homeowners to save hundreds of dollars in utility costs each year if they use strategic zone heating in their houses.

5. Works during power outages

If you live in an area where power outages are common throughout the winter, having a heat source that is completely self-contained is essential. If you have a reliable wood stove, you won’t have to worry about running out of gas or electricity.

6. Cooking convenience

There are wood burning stoves with tops that can also be used as a stove. Using the top surface of your wood fire to cook and warm a range of foods and meals is a breeze with a little practise in temperature adjustment and cookware positioning.

7. Compliment your décor

It doesn’t hurt to have a wood stove that looks good in any room it’s installed in. That’s perfectly OK. With a variety of types, sizes, and finishes to choose from, you’ll be able to choose a wood-burning stove that fits your home’s style and décor.

Located in central Connecticut, Northeastern Chimney is glad to show you a range of the top wood-burning stoves on the market today. To guarantee the safety of your stove’s functioning, we only use trained personnel to complete the installation. When it’s time to clean and maintain your chimney, you can rely on our professional chimney sweeps.

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